Have been "tuned" to have different voices in the OTS, perhaps a different tempo, and may include other adjustments to the accompaniment. Not exactly the preset styles that come with your PSR or Tyros. Even if some of the "songs" do use the internal styles, they most likely The styles used on these Gig Disks are often Over the years, many performers have contributed their Gig Disks to the PSR Tutorial. Follow the link provided here or use the "Gary Diamond" button shown in the Gig Disks menu on the left side of this page.

Up to 12 now - are available on Gary Diamond's page. Song titles under which they are saved. Be sure to read Gary's storyĪbout the creation of gig disks. They are style files that just happen to fit quite nicely with the The "songs" on each disk are not midi files. More "songs" on each disk, that he uses when he performs. The idea of a "Gig Disk." He has created several disks, with 30 or