go to add money and put in security code 986." He asks me to add more cash and my bank debit card locked my card. Once again I reconnect to team viewer and then he says "okay now on Cash app. He says "Mam, your internet must be having complications because team viewer has disconnected again and we need to do this again". I reconnect to team viewer and he says "Go to add money and put in security code 978". reconnect team viewer and try this again it did not work the first time". I was also on the internet with him on team viewer sharing screen. He says "go to add money put in security code 992.87". I believed him because I am new to cash app. He said "Pay pal and cash app." are in the same company and I can handle this for you".

Then he tells me to do login to my cash app and do the same thing. He says "see nothing to worry about these transactions are not going to deduct money from your bank account". He immediately refunds them (all except for one). I put in a few transactions of $300 dollars. He claimed the purpose of this was to detect fraudulent activity on my account and then block all activity on my account for one week while he does an investigation. He claimed that if I enter these "dummy transactions" they would not really go through. We were on pay pal and he was telling me that someone in Oregan and Texas was trying to use my pay pal account and I needed to enter some "dummy transactions". He asked me to log on to my pay pal account and I did. Then he began to share the screen with me. He asked me to download Team viewer/quick support onto my Apple IPAD. The guy on the phone claimed to be a pay pal customer service rep. I tried to get on my pay pal account and I saw an error message of some sort telling me that there was suspicious activity on my account and prompted me to call a customer service phone number. It was close to noon and I went on my pay pal account.