PowerPoint: Create impressive dynamic presentations.Excel: Intelligent spreadsheet for information management.Word: Create professional-quality text documents in no time.Due to the wide range of different programs, the Professional Plus version is aimed primarily at people who work at home, in the home office or who are looking for a powerful, reliable solution in an office to organize documents, tables, etc. How to activate Office 2019 with KMSAuto: Turn off antivirus and Windows Defender. The trick is that you have to use software called KMSAuto which will help you activate Office 2019. OneNote is now available for download from the Windows Store so that you can quickly take notes and make them available on all devices via the cloud. The first method will be very effective for those of you who want to activate Office 2019 without a product key. All important programs are included: Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher and Access. Microsoft Office users who use the full range of applications at home or in the office are well advised with the Office 2021 Professional Plus Edition.